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Our digital cognitive
assessment unlocks
timely access to care meaningful intervention more good years together

timely access to care

Screen with confidence in a fraction of the time

A patient-administered cognitive test, complete in 3 minutes

Neurotrack's 3-Minute Cognitive Screening

Better ROI begins with better cognitive screening

Go from underdiagnosis to early diagnosisand improved outcomes for your population


Our advantages

Distinguishes cognitive impairment from normal aging

Treat with confidence

Outperforms the "gold standard"

FDA-registered device with groundbreaking sensitivity and specificity

Culturally agnostic

Designed with inclusive symbols and translated into multiple languages

Easy to track over time

Instant, objective score is a single data point

Customized to your clinical workflow

Integrates into your EHR

Under­diagnosis is a big problem

Almost 6 in 10 people with probable dementia are undiagnosed

SOURCE: Journal of General Internal Medicine

SOURCE: Journal of General Internal Medicine

Identify who needs more care

60% of PCPs say they don’t have enough time to screen

SOURCE: Alzheimer's Association

SOURCE: Alzheimer's Association

$7.9 trillion would be saved by early diagnosis

SOURCE: Alzheimer's Association

SOURCE: Alzheimer's Association

Company news

CMS  V28 coding changes to dementia
February 22, 2004

What providers should know about Medicare V28 coding changes

February 22, 2004

What providers should know about Medicare V28 coding changes

CMS is prioritizing dementia care, are you?
neurologists need pcp help
January 30, 2024

Neurologists need help diagnosing Alzheimer's

January 30, 2024

Neurologists need help diagnosing Alzheimer's

It's time for PCPs to play a bigger role
Alzheimer's Association gives Neurotrack top prize
February 8, 2023

Pitch Perfect: Neurotrack earns top prize from Alzheimer’s Association

February 8, 2023

Pitch Perfect: Neurotrack earns top prize from Alzheimer’s Association

Recognized for clinically-validated digital tests and cognitive health program
As seen in

This entrepreneur aims to make cognitive screening as easy as checking your pulse.

- Alex Knapp, Forbes Staff

Commercial and research partners

MIDI Health
Harvard Medical School
Brown University
Univeristy of Arkansas
National Institutes of Health

Discover an efficient, effective way to screen cognition

Contact us