
MIND What You Eat

Written by Neurotrack Team | Feb 4, 2021 5:00:00 AM

The MIND Diet is linked with improvements in cognitive health. The benefits are profound, but the diet is simple. There's a set of healthy foods and unhealthy foods. That's it. No calorie counting, complicated instructions, or restrictive guidelines.

It's Easy to Follow

Healthy foods include whole grains, green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, fish, poultry, and berries. Use olive oil as your primary fat source.

Unhealthy foods aren't banned, they should just be limited. Each week, limit yourself to 4 servings of red meat, 5 or fewer sweets or pastries, and 1 serving of cheese, fried or fast food. Keep butter consumption to less than one tablespoon a day.

It's Convenient

You can buy all the ingredients in your local grocery store and many recipes include MIND-Diet friendly foods or can be altered to be MIND-Diet friendly.

Eating out is easy, too, because nothing is banned. Just look for menu items that include healthy MIND Diet foods like fish or green, leafy vegetables.

It Works

Research suggests commitment to the MIND Diet can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's by 53%. Even moderate adherence can make a difference by reducing the risk of Alzheimer's by 35%.

Next time you make a meal, ask yourself how MIND-Diet friendly it is. You can start to support your cognitive health by analyzing how what you eat impacts your brain.


  • Rush University Medical Center. (2015). MIND Diet May Protect Against Alzheimer's. Rush University Medical Center. Retrieved February 5, 2020, from