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Security and Privacy Matter

21972-312_SOC_NonCPAYour trust is important to us. Neurotrack's security framework assures that your data is protected. Neurotrack is SOC2 and HIPAA compliant to ensure all sensitive information is carefully kept private and secure. We ensure product and organizational quality as we conform to ISO 13485 and FDA quality system regulations. 

Neurotrack maintains an Information Security Program that goes above and beyond state and federal regulations. We employ policies, procedures, plans, and tools to secure information in compliance with global, state, and federal security and privacy requirements, using industry standards and best practices.

Our mission is to provide continuity of service and maintain unbroken trust through good stewardship of information assets.

  • We rely on administrative safeguards to address risk, user authentication, security management, disaster recovery and incident response, access management, and workforce training.
  • Our physical safeguards include policies and procedures detailing how we address data backups and storage, workstation use and security, and secure media use and disposal.
  • We employ technical safeguards to ensure proper and limited access controls, guidelines for remote access, encryption, decryption, transmission security, and audit controls.
  • Our privacy safeguards include a workforce trained to respect patients’ rights, maintain patient privacy, and comply with standards around documentation and access.